Genius ePRO™ – Electronic Patient Reported Outcome

High-quality clinical care requires patients to provide information regarding how they are feeling, their symptoms, and any effect of prescribed treatment.
A PRO is directly reported by the patient without interpretation of the patient’s response by a clinician or anyone else and pertains to the patient’s health, quality of life, or functional status associated with health care or treatment.
Genius ePRO™ is a mobile app that collects patients reported information directly from a mobile devices into the clinical trial database.
Genius ePRO™ has been used to capture patient self-reported data ranging from simple diaries to validated instruments such as health-related quality of life (HRQL) questionnaires to complex clinical assessments of cognitive functions.

Advantages of Genius ePRO™

  • Yields higher quality data than paper-based diaries
  • Elicits significantly greater subject compliance, sometimes as high as 97%
  • Captures better and more accurate patient data reducing study quality risks
  • Accelerates study timeline by eliminating the time-consuming data cleaning of paper-based PROs
  • Improves the validity of study data
  • Delivers a reminder for patients who have not accessed the system within a predetermined time period
  • Eliminates the substantial cost of data entry
  • Supports any type of questionnaire and diary
  • Fulfills patient’s confidentiality and privacy requirements
  • Provides full-scale technical infrastructure support, including a 24×7 Help Desk to system users
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Exom is now Kapadi


Once three entities – OncoBay Clinical, Clinscience, and Exom Group s.r.l – now we stand as one, bringing forth a symphony of expertise and seamless operations. To celebrate our unity, we re-brand under the banner of Kapadi, and embark on a new chapter of exceptional service in oncology clinical research.

Kapadi is not just a name; it's a testament to our fusion. It signifies the our standing as a global CRO powerhouse committed to accelerating groundbreaking cancer therapies that uplift patients worldwide. From conceptualizing studies, navigating regulations, and analyzing data, we provide a comprehensive array of services designed to empower your oncology clinical trials.
