Genius DaMA

Next Generation Data Management & Advanced Analytics

Genius DaMA

Next Generation Data Management & Advanced Analytics

By combining all the data generated in clinical trials we are able to gain deeper insights for a pro-active study management.

We combine data from various sources such as the eCRF, eTMF, eISF or CTMS and other systems we are currently using, into a single giant data lake.

From this data lake a dedicated software powered by SAS Viya pulls the data required for cross-sectional analytics, uses a data model for advanced analytics and visualization, and provides the study- or data manager with the requested information.

Using Advances Analytics in clinical trials, can benefit the study conduction in numerous ways:

Reduce the intensive human labor activity

Provide a complete picture of trial data in real-time, to get visibility into the trial
Provide deeper insights to make better decisions more quickly, effectively and easily by comparing data across multiple platforms Enable easier and faster comparative analysis for pro-active study manage-ment and risk-detection
Increase data quality Save cost and time

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Exom is now Kapadi


Once three entities – OncoBay Clinical, Clinscience, and Exom Group s.r.l – now we stand as one, bringing forth a symphony of expertise and seamless operations. To celebrate our unity, we re-brand under the banner of Kapadi, and embark on a new chapter of exceptional service in oncology clinical research.

Kapadi is not just a name; it's a testament to our fusion. It signifies the our standing as a global CRO powerhouse committed to accelerating groundbreaking cancer therapies that uplift patients worldwide. From conceptualizing studies, navigating regulations, and analyzing data, we provide a comprehensive array of services designed to empower your oncology clinical trials.
